Ahoy There!

Welcome to my little corner of the web! I’ve got deals, recipes, crafts, and more! Please be sure you’re part of my awesome groups on facebook to get in on things like giveaways, deals, and more! Link to ALL the things: https://linktr.ee/ambandacadabra

Mutiny Mama's Shipload of Deals is written in a festive font, with an image of patriotic sandals stuck heel first in the sand on the beach on a lovely sunny day.
  • Ohhh my! Tuesday’s Treasure!

    How much did the pirate pay for his earrings? A buck an ear! Today’s finds include a rotary cheese shredder in the galley goodies, a whole treasure trove for the kiddos with a trampoline, this toddler step stool, and more! Need some new swimwear? How about a pool float? This post contains affiliate links. Should…

  • Look what Cap’n Cadabra found!

    Woke up to pink skies in the sunrise, me mateys! You know what that means, right? PROMOS! This post contains affiliate links. Should you choose to purchase items through these links I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you! Promos are valid when posted, and may expire at ANY…

  • Summer is coming. ArRR you ready?

    Are you ready for the sunshine, pool time, the joy that is summer? We’ve got some awesome finds to get your started. This post contains affiliate links. Should you choose to purchase items through these links I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support! These finds…

I’m not a hot mess, I’m a spicy disaster.

My allergens include (but are not limited to) Tomatoes, Yeast – which is the biggest one! Walnuts/Tree nuts, Squash, Melons, and probably a few others that I’m forgetting about.